Undisputed protagonists of the films are women, embarked upon an intriguing trip around the world through very diverse sports. The event is a discovery of delights from the big screen outside mass media circuits, to be savored in all their intense uniqueness of the moment. On display are both fleeting forays into remote contexts, brought close thanks to the universal language of sport, and stories that are unexpected, even though they arrive from “just around the corner”. Women are at the center of every narrative; not necessarily well-known athletes as much as those who, through different or lesser-known sports, find the strength to challenge conventions, to question their own existence and to look inward as a means to look beyond.
Sport becomes the means to open windows on contemporary issues such as violence on women at home or in the changing room, climate change, pollution, social differences, wars, child’s labour, disabilities, ethinic minorities, just to mention a few.
The event includes both short and long feature films, with a rage of genres that goes from documentaries to fiction to animation. The leitmotiv that links the works on display is a great endorphinic charge, with vivid, positive and thought provoking colors.
EDITION 2024, Venezia